Title Summary File
Oracle E-Business Suite Security - Trust But Verify

Is your Oracle E-Business Suite environment out-sourced?  Are some of your DBAs off-shore?  Do you know what the DBAs are...

Security Resources File
Hidden Security Threats in Oracle E-Business Suite

This is the first in a series of webinars by ERP Risk Advisors and Integrigy presenting on the hidden security threats found in the Oracle E-...

Security Resources File
Real World Database Auditing

IOUG 2009 COLLABORATE Presentation - Database auditing is one of the most misunderstood and neglected database features, however, database...

Security Resources File
Spoofing Oracle Session Information

Oracle Database session information includes database user name, operating system user name, host, terminal, IP address, module, program,...

Security Resources File
Building an Audit Trail in an Oracle Applications Environment

Sarbanes-Oxley’s section 404 requires a company’s key systems be audited. However, many companies have 'unauditable' systems and don’t even know...

Security Resources File
Integrigy Guide to Auditing and Logging in Oracle E-Business Suite

Most Oracle E-Business Suite implementations do not fully take advantage of the auditing and logging features. These features are sophisticated...

Security Resources File
