Title | Summary | File | |
What Mode of Oracle 12c Unified Auditing Are You Using and Default Auditing Policies? |
Continuing our blog series on Oracle 12 Unified Auditing, how do you know what mode of Unified Auditing that you are using? Use the following SQL... |
Oracle Security Blog | |
What Is Oracle Release 12c Unified Auditing? |
In Oracle 12c, a new database auditing foundation has been introduced. Oracle Unified Auditing changes the fundamental auditing... |
Oracle Security Blog | |
Oracle Database Last Logins with Oracle 12c |
Tracking when database users last logged in is a common security and compliance requirement – for example to reconcile users and identify stale... |
Oracle Security Blog | |
Logging Oracle Database Link Activity |
A database link is a one-way connection between two databases. Starting with Oracle version, database session information now... |
Oracle Security Blog | |
Logging Actual Application User Names for Oracle E-Business Suite, SAP, PeopleSoft, and OBIEE |
Knowing which person, not just which database account, has been a challenge for database logging and auditing when working with enterprise... |
Oracle Security Blog | |
Oracle 12c Unified Auditing Webinar |
Unified Auditing was introduced with the release of Oracle 12c and changes how Oracle database logging and auditing is accomplished. In... |
Security Resources | File |
Oracle 12c Unified Auditing |
In Oracle 12c, a new database auditing foundation has been introduced. Oracle Unified Auditing changes the fundamental auditing... |
Security Resources | File |
Oracle 12c Real Application Security and Standard Database Auditing - Warning Database Logins Not Logged |
Oracle 12c introduces several major new security features. Data redaction is one new feature and Real Application Security (RAS) is another.... |
Oracle Security Blog | |
UTL_FILE_DIR Security Weakness: Why and How To Use Oracle Directories |
UTL_FILE_DIR is the database initialization parameter the Oracle Database uses to determine what operating system directories and files PL/SQL... |
Oracle Security Blog | |
Trusting Privileged Users, DBMS_SQLHASH, and Three Misconceptions about Encryption |
Clients often contact Integrigy requesting assistance to protect their sensitive data. Frequently these are requests for assistance to locate and... |
Oracle Security Blog |