Title Summary File
Internet Connected Applications and Search Engines

Oracle E-Business Suite self-service applications are often connected to the Internet for direct access by customers, suppliers, and employees....

Security Advisories
Oracle Reports Server APPS Password Disclosure

The Oracle Reports Server may disclose the current APPS password. Oracle Reports Server is installed as part of the default installation and is...

Security Advisories
Oracle E-Business Suite FNDFS Vulnerability

The Oracle Applications FNDFS program, used to retrieve report output from the Concurrent Manager server, can be used to remotely retrieve any...

Security Advisories
Oracle E-Business Suite AOL/J Setup Test Information Disclosure

Integrigy Security Alert


Oracle E-...

Security Advisories
Oracle E-Business Suite FNDWRR Buffer Overflow

The Oracle Applications FNDWRR CGI program, used to retrieve report output from the Concurrent Manager server via a...

Security Advisories